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Promoting commitment by example

Héroux-Devtek also has an environmental policy underscoring its respect for the environment and the communities where we operate as an integral part of the way we conduct our business activities.

The policy, under responsibility of the Company’s President and CEO and adopted by the Board of Directors, confirms our commitment to maintaining compliance with all applicable standards, while continuously improving our control over the environmental aspects of managing and operating each manufacturing site with the objective of minimizing our environmental footprint.

Quarterly, the Corporation issues a CEO Environmental report. The report is submitted to the Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee, which reports to the Board of Directors, and includes Héroux-Devtek’s performance against its four primary environmental targets:

  1. Zero regulatory non-compliance in its audits
  2. Zero incidents, spills, or transgression of standards
  3. Zero notice of violations
  4. GHG reduction target


A culture of continuous improvement

If these targets are not met, a set of immediate corrective actions are immediately implemented and action plans to address the root cause are being followed till completion. As part of its environmental management system, the Corporation also carries out Environmental Compliance Audits either internally or with external environmental auditors. We value a risk-based approach in regards to the frequency of those audits, all manufacturing sites shall at least be audited every three years. In particular, five of our manufacturing plants are considered to be of higher potential environmental risk, due to the nature of their operations, which include various plating and chemical processes, therefore those five plants are audited every year.


Leading by example and drawing our partners and allies into our fold

Finally, beyond our environmental compliance commitments, monitoring, and audit mechanisms, we continue to find additional ways to reduce our environmental footprint across all our operations. For instance, developing strong expertise in the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of landing gear and actuation system components allows us to enable our clients to extend the life of their equipment. We also work to encourage our suppliers to adopt more sustainable practices across their manufacturing and transportation undertakings.

2023 ESG Report